Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Little...

Well I use to call it our little monkey but after seeing the ultrasound pictures I now want to call it our little alien.

So Wednesday was the big day...ultrasound day! This is our first and I assume provided everything goes normally (knock on wood) this will be our only. What an experience it is. First your doctor tells you to go and drink a bunch of water before the appointment. Okay fine. The downside...don't go to the washroom an hour before your appointment. If you ever want to torture someone there's how you do it. And I lucked out apparently! My co-worker a few years ago was told to drink 4 glasses of water instead of the 2 I was told to take. I made it through 1.5 and that was it. There was no way another 1/2 glass was going in.

So Hubby and I drive off to the hospital and I'm glad we left early. Parking is a nightmare to find in the middle of the day. Lord help us if I get pregnant during the morning or afternoon. Hubby will have to drop me off then it would almost be better for him to go home, park the car and take transit in. Or better yet maybe we'll both just take transit in. I'm sure Skytrain won't mind a pregnant lady in labour traveling would they?

Thankfully there was no wait and I was able to get in right away. The first thing the technician check was my bladder and she said the most wonderful words I wanted to hear "Okay that's way to full. You need to go to the bathroom." Best words ever to a pregnant woman about to have an ultrasound. Apparently too she told me this was the old way of doing things. Now you don't have to drink all the water before hand. Just make sure you don't go to the washroom an hour before your appointment and you're fine!

So she has me in the room by myself (Hubby had to wait down the hall in the waiting room) and she measures the baby for about 20 minutes. I felt bad because every time she got near my left size it would tickle. After she was done Hubby was let back in and both of us were finally able to see the baby. Can I just say that modern technology is a wonderful thing. I could not believe the detail of the baby. It's little legs, arms, head. You could really see the skull and eye sockets (hence why it looked a little alien like to me). She also showed us it's heart beating away but the best part though was the hands. Usually the hands are closed in a fist and our little one had all 5 fingers on one had out and even started to wave at us. It almost brought me to tears.

In the end baby is normal and healthy and showing good progress. It's in the 59 percentile for growth so just above average (please stay little). I go to see the doctors on Monday so I'm sure we'll be talking about the scan. As for now we have these two photos which are amazing! Can't wait to meet our little one now!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Little Blog

I found it funny the other day because I was talking to Hubby and I mentioned that I had a blog. In fact I had a blog and a couple of people who have read or follow it. This seemed to floor him for some reason. I of course thought this was very cute as I was sure that I had told him about it in the past but apparently I forgot. Hubby is now going back and reading most of my entries. Hope I didn't put anything too incriminating in there ;) .

As a side note I was going to put This Little Blog of Mine as the title but then I would have the This Little Light Of Mine song stuck in my head all day.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Holiday Blur

Wow what a Christmas. Busy busy busy as always but it seems like it is destined to be a busy holiday for me no matter what. This year was extra special because Hubby and I got to announce to the family...I'm pregnant

Yup that's the start of a baby bump there and we've been keeping this secret from some family and friends (and most of the online world) now for almost 3 months! Let me tell you it's one of the hardest things I've ever done but so worth it when you see everyone's faces after you tell them there's going to be a little on in the family.

So Christmas morning this year was held at our place and what a wonderful idea that was. My parents, Hubby's mom and brother all came over in the morning and I swear I've never seen our tree have so many presents underneath.

I think my favourite part though was all the stockings.

We had mine and Hubby's which we give each other. Then Hubby and his brother had one for their mom. Then both Hubby's mom and my parents had stocking's for me and Hubby. I took us almost as long to open them as it did to open the presents.

Then we had to kick everyone out of the house and head off to my father in law's for more Christmas fun. I loved the way that my sister in law had labeled all the gifts and in fact this was my favourite.

Yup even the baby got a gift. In face the baby got spoiled this year already. New Robeeze from my mother in law, a Molli bib from brother in law, a watch me grow book and Canada t-shirt from sister in law, 2 board books from our friend and a photo watch me grow book from my aunt! My mom was a little miffed because I had told people that I didn't want anything for the baby and she has a bunch of stuff already lined up ready to give me but was good and held back during Christmas only to find out others had a different idea. I told her this wasn't a bad thing though and I can't wait now to see what she has picked out.

In the end though it was a busy couple of days. We ended up having Christmas dinner every night from Dec 23-26 plus a make up Boxing Day dinner scheduled for later today. We're so stuffed full of turkey now I think I'm ready for a break from it. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all!