Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bling Bling We've Got Rings, And Honeymoon, And...

Yay the rings are now taken care of and on there way in. I cannot believe that we ended up finding my ring at Spence Diamonds. I was so determined not to buy my wedding band there after all the trouble we had with the engagement ring. But while we waiting for the new paper work to be done I had a look around (bad karma) and sure enough found something I like. However this time we took the order to the Langley store and are letting them help us this time. So far so good but we'll see when the ring comes in.

We also booked our honeymoon and I can't wait. We're going to St. Lucia for 8 days and I'm already there on the beach. I think I'm actually looking forward to that and the relaxation more then the wedding. Nah. However most of my summer stuff isn't in great condition so I had the joy of going bathing suit shopping. Next is flip flops so I'm hoping people are having an end of summer sale.

Bootcamp is finally paying off. 4 pounds have been lost and 1% body fat down. I tried the dress on again and when mom zipped it up it seemed to go a lot easier for her then before. I'm probably going to do 1 more month so I hope I can loose that last little inch I think would make the dress look fantastic!

We hope in the next 2 weeks to get a bunch of stuff done. We finally got all the confusion from the kilt place sorted out and fiance will go for a jacket fitting next week. I don't think we're going to do the boys anymore in kilts as the store has been very vague about when they can and cannot rent and how they want us coming in. So we'll talk to them about it and if not then we'll just do tuxes. They boys will look good no matter what and tuxes were our first choice anyways.

And I'm hoping to get my fitting and hair and makeup trial done in the next 2 weeks as well. And of course there's all the cookies left to back (about 500+). I'm going to be so sick of cookie dough and cookies that I would want to even look at them.

Can't believe there's less then 8 weeks to go. Still a bunch of stuff to do and it feels like so little time to do it all in. But I'm sure somehow we'll pull it off...won't we?