Thursday, November 29, 2007

At Least It Will Be Official Now

Woo hoo we have double checked with our minister and she has agreed to marry us. It's so nice to know that our officiant is out of the way. I'm not sure why but this was one area that I was not looking forward to interviewing for. I really like the idea that she's someone we both know and get along with. I think I'll be a bit more comfortable knowing the person who is performing our ceremony rather than having some stranger standing up there marrying us.

We got the engagement photos back and I'm really happy with the way they turned out. I love the location that we shot at. There were actually so many to choose it was really hard for us to narrow them all down. In the end we have 28 really good shots that we're going to try and make into an album for our guest book. I'm impressed though at how well the shots turned out since we were giggling through out the whole shoot. Didn't think he would get anything decent.

Found the limos we wanted and in the price range we like so I went to go book them but they won't take bookings until the new year. Sigh looks like it's going to be a busy January since we'll have the limos, caterers and meeting the minister all squeezed into one month. Oh well at least January won't be a boring month.

The next thing on the chopping block is the girls dresses, decorators and chair rentals. It looks like we might be making the girls dresses since most of the ones in stores don't quite look right (think lingerie). Next week we're going to go try on a couple of separates and I'm going to try on the wedding dress at Everything But the Groom. I'm thinking that that dress could be "the one!"

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